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Knife Master Class (DVD)
I thought this DVD was excellent! by Matt Hamilton, August 04, 2017
Not only does it have lots of great exercises to learn from, but most importantly, it shows very common mistakes people can make without even knowing. A knife is probably the most dangerous & versatile weapon one can be faced with... We all have ma... [read more>>>]
Vladimir Vasiliev’s latest DVD, Knife Master Class, expands on the instructive and informative library of System videos with an in depth discussion of the attributes necessary for mastery of the knife in a fight, new and insightful drills and exercises and amazing demonstrations of Vladimir’s application of the work. by Jason Priest, July 30, 2017
The instruction begins with a specialized “activation drill” to prepare the psyche for work with the knife. This drill immediately demonstrates the fear and tension that comes when faced with a knife. Vladimir then shows how to use breathing ... [read more>>>]
Although this video is primarily conceived as a tool for surviving a knife attack, it also provides a series of self-awareness and advanced sensitivity exercises which allow movement and escape without reacting which is the prerequisite for natural survival. by Frank Arias, July 18, 2017
A lot of time is devoted to the importance of movement to escape with the body and avoid locks, as well as on dealing with the psyche when confronted by a knife to the point of becoming comfortable when working with a knife. Vladimir Vasiliev show... [read more>>>]
We just finished watching Vladimir's newest video, Knife Master Class; what an amazing video! by Adam & Brendon Zettler, July 13, 2017 This is one of the most needed videos especally in today's world. Vladimir shows and explains how under stress or panic and without the proper training, we will most likely escape into tension and freeze, which can have devastating consequences! Thi... [read more>>>]
Incredible mastery of knife work and knife defense! by Yuri Minski, July 11, 2017
This video is not a quick 2min tutorial on "how to defend against a knife"; nor is it a compilation of various "techniques".
It is rather a profound review of plethora of aspects that play into something as complicated as defense against knives.... [read more>>>]
This is the best instructional knife DVD I've seen! by Kenny Gonzalez, July 03, 2017 !!... [read more>>>]