Seminar Reviews
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TEAM TACTICS - Paris Seminar with Vladimir Vasiliev ( by Jose Rodulfo, 297 words ) Once again it was amazing to see the masters together. The profound respect they had for each other transferred to the group of students. For me, the psychological aspect of the work was the best. During the training I observed that while Michael was doing his work, he would look over to Vlad and smile. It made me a bit curious so I paid a little more attention and found that every time a seminar participant came at him, the energy or intent was full. Then the second Michael made contact with them you could actually see their intent change. The sudden and precise work had a debilitating effect on their psyche. Even when I was doing this type of work with my training partners, by the second or third time they came at me their energy shifted. They just wanted to stand and talk. It threw them off like if I had found their reverse gear. During the training I was speaking English and my partner French, but due to the nature of the work we had clear understanding of each other. Amazing how this Systema training could bridge the language barrier. Michael\'s internal work looks so simple but I have yet to get a full grip on it. It was also very good to see some of the senior instructors going around and helping others out. Seeing Vlad perform his clean and precise work, and slowing things down gave the group an opportunity to absorb more of the lessons. Without a doubt everyone left that seminar with something gained. I must say that the legacy of Michael and Vlad will also include making better citizens through Systema. Origins of movement in Paris was a really great seminar. Thanks again to the Masters and everyone involved. Rating: ![]() Date Added: 2020-03-05 18:50:41 |
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Summit of Masters in Paris with Mikhail Ryabko & Vladimir Vasiliev: 2nd seminar ( by Cristian Isbasescu, 53 words ) I had an amazing time in Paris. Both Mikhail and Vladimir were so kind and showed very interesting things, that I felt addressed precisely my concerns and tensions. I feel very privileged to have spent the time with them and all the other amazing people from all over the world in the seminar. Rating: ![]() Date Added: 2020-02-28 16:43:38 |
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BREATHING & STRESS ( by Kristine H, 80 words ) During the Seminar, Mr. Vasiliev and his wife were very attentive in showing me how to breathe through the panic associated with my breathing attacks. I felt very comfortable, as they were helping me in class. By the end of the three hours, my neck, shoulders, and chest were completely relaxed. I kept reaching up to feel my neck, and I was astonished how loose my muscles were. I continue to practice the exercises daily and my attacks have ceased. Rating: ![]() Date Added: 2019-11-27 13:24:14 |
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AGAINST TENSION - Mikhail Ryabko & Vladimir Vasiliev in Moscow ( by Jamie Lippiatt, 344 words ) Two weeks ago, I was lucky enough to attend the annual International Seminar held in Moscow by the incredible Systema founder Mikhail Ryabko. While I have been attending this seminar every year for the past few years and have spent a lot of time training in Moscow, this seminar took Systema to a whole new level. It was unique in the fact that, for first time in a long time, my teacher, Vladimir Vasiliev, joined Mikhail for the seminar, but more than that was what was revealed for possibly the first time. Mikhail shared incredible insights that opened up what is known in Moscow as the third layer or school of Systema also known as the Closed School. Taking things even deeper than he has in the fast few years with his emphasis on the Internal School and far beyond what\'s known as the Physical School. \r\nSince Mikhail first began teaching and demonstrating Systema, students have been continuously baffled by the unprecedented skill and power Mikhail has displayed in both combat and life. In this seminar, he revealed to everyone just how he does it and why simply training in a conventional sense will never lead to such skill. Working not with the body or even the energy of life, but instead harnessing a state of consciousness that transcends everything and quite honestly changes your view of reality and from this place, combative skill and lifestyle become rather simple. \r\nGetting to that point however, requires an enormous level of commitment to self and a reality beyond that, but it is simple enough to be achievable by anyone with the right amount of faith and dedication. I look forward to the expansion and study of the work to come and am eternally grateful to have been a part of this seminar as well as the Systema community as a whole. The tireless work of Mikhail Ryabko and Vladimir Vasiliev in teaching and spreading this incredible art is a true gift to the world and humanity and I am honoured to be a part of it. Rating: ![]() Date Added: 2019-10-14 16:19:52 |
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AGAINST TENSION ( by Tony L., 107 words ) This weekend seminar was a very pleasant experience, not sure how many participants, but everything was so harmoniously orchestrated it felt like a big family.
The lessons that Vladimir offers are always a step above where I am, and watching how the training transforms people is very inspiring. It shows that Systema is a fantastic tool for personal growth and for health.
The martial skills of incredible power are shared in a humane way that promote respect for others and life. Through correct breath posture and movement, strong mental awareness is developed, as demonstrated by Vladimir and the core students.
My words of admiration and gratitude fall short.
Thank you,
Tony Rating: ![]() Date Added: 2019-08-27 14:22:12 |
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AGAINST TENSION ( by Rick S, 62 words ) I had a wonderful time. I met so many great people and learned so much. I look forward to the next time and will be joyfully practicing what so many shared. gladly and freely. And of course, my special thanks to Vladimir. The man who brings together a sense of community with humor, dignity and exceptional effortless skill. My respect and thanks. Rating: ![]() Date Added: 2019-09-25 12:01:23 |
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AGAINST TENSION ( by Oleg Kazantsev, 250 words ) I wish to say thank you to everyone involved for the wonderful seminar. I put together a list of my own takeaways from it. 1. Relaxed parts of your body feel heavy and long; you sense them, your opponent doesn't. Anything that feels light and short is tense; you don't sense it, but your opponent does. 2. Tense body parts are bad at sensing the outside world. Sensitivity work is like cleaning of your internal plumbing, where clogs are tensions. 3. A relaxed, collected body knows itself, but embraces the outside world. A tense body projects itself outward, but is easily impacted. 4. Vladimir's quote: "Your legs should grow from your chest." My conjecture: Arms should grow from the pelvis. (Correct me please if I'm wrong.)5. You should escape from strikes, grabs, and weapon attacks the same way you escape from your fear internally. But usually people do the opposite: they defend from their fear the same way they got used to defending against real attackers.6. Accept attacks the way you accept gifts - don't reject them outright, but don't hold onto them like a greedy person. Deliver attacks like you deliver packages - don't bow, don't bend, don't reach far with your hands, but hand them over confidently and in full. 7. Pushing off of to the previous point: it's okay to bestow gifts (or attacks) upon people, but it's bad if you pay tribute to others.Thank you again, and wish to see you all some time next year. Rating: ![]() Date Added: 2019-11-27 12:52:38 |
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AGAINST TENSION ( by Geoffroy Chene, 98 words ) I believe I have learned a lot over the week and at the seminar. It will take me some time to absorb it all and make it my own. The students at HQ have been very helpful in pointing out how I could improve myself as a whole and so did everyone at the seminar. The ambience was brilliant, not much ego compared to what I have been exposed to before but no complacency either. I have realised how much fear I carry and how my work is not dense/full enough at this stage. Rating: ![]() Date Added: 2020-03-05 19:11:38 |
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Train to Prevail - Vladimir Vasiliev in Oslo, Norway ( by Jim Bergdoll, 113 words ) So I just attended the seminar in Oslo, Train to Prevail. Once again, I am left astounded by the training I am blessed to have received. My daughter and I flew to Oslo from Maine, USA. The seminar proved to be worth every mile. Vladimir left us wishing the seminar would never end, but, for his sake I\'m glad it did. The man puts out so much and is there to help far beyond the scope of the seminar. Gratitude is also given to Valerie as she is able to help us understand what Vladimir says. I look forward with great anticipation to the next time I can train with Vladimir and Valerie! Rating: ![]() Date Added: 2019-06-04 15:28:11 |
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Structure of Systema - Vladimir Vasiliev in England ( by Will Robinson, 474 words ) Last weekend I was lucky enough to train with the Russian martial artist and Systema master Vladimir Vasiliev alongside other teachers and students from all over the UK and even further afield. The workshop was looking at ‘the Structure of Systema’, for two days we practiced some of the fundamentals of the enigmatic martial art.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nOne of the most inspiring ideas for me came from a few words Vladimir said as we were working on walking relaxed centered way. He would demonstrate with a student in the middle of the hall, talk them through some of the Systema breathing principles and say “Okay, now move”. The first few times as the student began to walk he called them back, “No no, you took a step. Don’t step, just move”…\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nThe confusion of trying to discern a difference between the two took me right back to working with my Alexander Technique teacher years ago. The situation and the wording was a little different, I was sat down and she told me to move my arm, rather than lifting my arm. Up and down my arm went, I can’t even remember whether or not I got her approval on moving it in the end, but I can remember the frustration of thinking “but I AM moving!” It seems a little clearer now perhaps, while walking circles round the hall last weekend I felt that a ‘step’ has a beginning and an end whereas to ‘move’ is flowing on continuously.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nTowards the end of the weekend I was doing some light sparring with a trainee instructor at the club where I had recently begun training and something else came up that took me right back to the early days of my explorations into movement.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n“I think lots of people are get too fixed on a particular goal” he said while throwing a jab that caught me gently round the jaw “you know, like, I want to hit them there or grab them like that, and that gets in the way of them being able to react”. F.M. Alexander may have called it ‘end gaining’ but the idea is the same, fixation on a goal can obstruct the effectiveness of movement in the face of an ever changing environment, “Don’t step, just move.”\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nFor anyone who is curious I can fully recommend Systema training, the freeform drills are engaging, exploratory and a whole lot of fun. It’s added new depth and practical insight into movements I’ve been practicing for years, I’ve only been doing it a couple of weeks and I’m already hooked! And likewise , even if you don’t train Systema, Vladamir Vasiliev is an inspiring teacher, sharing his skill with a great mixture of humour, humility and a contagious sense of enjoyment in what he does, go see him if you ever get the chance! Rating: ![]() Date Added: 2019-08-31 18:24:18 |
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