Training Tips

Articles by Alberto Nacif

The articles presented here are for the education and enjoyment of the Systema community. The writers are solely responsible for the content and such content may not completely reflect the views of Russian Martial Art Systema by Vladimir Vasiliev. Any training conducted by you is at your sole risk.

Alberto Nacif is a Systema Instructor, certified by Vladimir Vasiliev, based in the United States.
He is a medical doctor practicing in Brighton, Michigan and a National Speaker on Brain Neurology.

Systema Training Alberto Nacif

The Science of Systema by Alberto Nacif, M.D.

by Alberto Nacif Published: October 26, 2010

My first Systema experience was at Vladimir Vasiliev class at his headquarters in Toronto at the beginning of a one week intensive seminar for instructors; it was a small group of instructors, most of them advanced and then me with no previous Systema experience. Sitting on the mat and waiting for class to start seemed like forever, and created some anxiety for me, as I did not know how intense Systema training would be. I watched many highly skilled people warming up and excitedly chatting around me. Then Vladimir stepped on the mat and all the chattering stopped, we stood and faced him. […]

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